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来源:个人述职述廉 时间:2019-10-19 08:00:27 点击:


充分利用网络资源提高大学生的英语听力水平 On How to Improve College Students’ Listening Level through Internet Abstract:With the widespread applications of English, the college teaching reform and social needs all emphasize students’ language communicating competence. Thus, improving the present university students’ English integrated competence has become one of main objectives of higher English educational reform. Additionally, the law of language acquisition is speaking after listening and expressing after understanding. Therefore, listening plays an important role in language acquisition and daily communication. Therefore, teachers in universities must change the traditional teacher-centered teaching thought, utilize advanced multi-media technology and adopt new multi-media aided teaching approaches. English listening teaching based on the internet is a new teaching model, which creates a freely studying environment through the support of modern technology, especially multi-media technology. Consequently, it is crucial to improve college students’ listeninglevel and comprehensive competence by acquiring a large number of listening materials through internet. Key words:
internet resources;

college students’ listening;

listening teaching methods 1. Introduction Listening is one of the four skills of English language learning, which is a reflection of one’s English language proficiency. English learning machine is a product of last century, and it becomes prevalent in this century. Some learning machines can synchronize with class teaching absolutely, additionally they can afford English original voice and the methods to recite vocabulary and the expansion of materials. In the application of teaching methods, high technological teaching equipments like audio laboratory and multi-media teaching has been brought to listening teaching. With the reform of College English Test Band 4 and 6, the proportion of listening comprehension increases from 20% to 35%, nevertheless, the students’ score in this section is very low. Therefore, collegeteachers have to reflect the traditional listening teaching experience critically and explore new teaching approaches actively to change the situation that listening teaching is difficult and the students’ listening level is low. 2. The analysis of college students’ listening level There are many English teachers still taking the traditional teaching methods to teach English listening, and they have formed inherent listening teaching thinking in the long-term teaching process, hence, the efficiency of classroom listening teaching can not be improved meanwhile, the university students’ English listening level and the improvement of their competence are seriously affected. 2.1 The present situation of college students’ listening level Firstly, the objective of teaching is not clear. Teachers are able to perform well in the class just with a recorder, a textbook and a pencil. After teachingthe new words in the listening materials, the teacher plays the records, and students do exercise while listening, finally, the teacher present the right answers and correct the students’ wrong ones. This pattern makes the border of listening test and the teaching objective obscure. Secondly, as a result of dull teaching contents and the limitation of textbook, students lack interests in English listening. Ultimately, the teaching arrangements are not scientific. Presently, owing to the limitation of college English listening teaching time, it is difficult for students to understand what the teacher has taught in class, additionally, students are all tense in the classroom to remember all background knowledge and language information, and the teaching effect can not be assured. Hence, teachers must reflect from present situation of college listening teaching to make great breakthroughs in teaching methods and improve college students’ listening level. Today, in the college English education, the examination is not the main purpose and developing students’ oral and written language is the top priority. More and more teachers have realized the current situation of poorlistening teaching, however, there are also many teachers who are not aware of it. 2.2 The influential factors of college students’ listening level English is a specialized foreign language. In order to implement the teaching scheme and guarantee the improvement of students’ intellectual competence, English listening teaching activities must be organized according to higher educational syllabus. On the analysis of practical teaching situations, there are many factors that have influenced the improvement of the students’ listening level, such as:
2.2.1 Language environment For the language learners, the teaching environment plays an important role in improving the students’ listening level. If the language environment is inconsistent with the listening teaching level, the students’ learning effects will be influenced. However, as a result of the limitation of geographic location,surrounding environment, the teaching facilities and parents’ cultural level, Chinese students can not be well adapted to English language environment. Middle school and the previous English teaching just explain fussy grammar knowledge and mechanical translational skills in order to cater for the students’ needs of entering higher school. A good deal of reading and writing exercises make students suffer lots of troubles. The listening training is seldom organized and it is difficult to achieve a good studying effect. The goal of English education that gives priority to reading and writing than speaking and listening is not to put English into practice but obtain good scores in the examination. Influenced by this thought, Chinese language is the main language of English class, which causes that students can not acquire enough listening knowledge from class. 2.2.2 Learning habits Generally speaking, listening is an ability of English learning, which can be mastered by completing related exercise following the teachers, nevertheless, in the practical learning, it needs students to speak English, listen English and write English to reach theobjective of improving English learning effects. It is crucial to study English by using hands, brain and mouth diligently, whereas, tremendous facts have proved that most students can not apply brain, hands and mouth coordinately to the studying progress, additionally, their ability to organize language is weak and the expressing level is not good. Finally, the effects of listening teaching activities will be influenced by these bad habits. 2.2.3 Teaching methods Chinese college students require highly in the studying environment. If the teachers’ teaching method can not reach the teaching standard, the usual sequence of class teaching will be disturbed and the development of university students’ English listening competence will be harnessed, at the same time, students can not recognize the connotation of English knowledge promptly. For example, if students have been offered unscientific teaching plan by teachers, they would not be obvious about what the teachers will teach, meanwhile, in the class, although they listen to the teachers carefully, they still can not accept the knowledge that has been taught. The most importantthing is that students can not review the knowledge in time, and they are not be able to adapt to the language environment, therefore, all these factors limit the proceeding of teaching program. 3. The methods of English listening teaching through internet Learning English listening through the network stage has become the efficient extension of college English classroom teaching. The students’ listening level and capability of independent learning can be effectively improved by training students in their English listening learning strategies. In the internet studying environment, such ways as the trainings of meta-cognitive strategy, cognitive strategy, social or emotional strategies should be used in English listening learning strategies. To assure the students’ learning efficiency, teachers should train students to command listening learning strategies and combine learning strategies with listening exercises to help students to improve their listening capability.



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