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【痰热清注射液治疗社区获得性肺炎随机对照试验的系统分析】 痰热清注谢液说明书注射用

来源:情书 时间:2019-11-03 07:56:10 点击:


痰热清注射液治疗社区获得性肺炎随机对照试验的系统分析 毕业论文 【关键词】 痰热清注射液;
meta分析 Jiang HL, Mao B, Zhong YQ, Yang HM, Fu JJ. J Chin Integr Med. 2009;
7(1): 9  19. Indexed/abstracted in and full text link  out at PubMed. Journal title in PubMed: Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. Free full text (HTML and PDF) is available at . Forward linking and reference linking via CrossRef. Tanreqing Injection for community  acquired pneumonia: a systematic review of randomized evidence Hong  li JIANG, Bing MAO, Yun  qing ZHONG, Hong  mei YANG, Juan  juan FU Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province 610041, China Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Tanreqing Injection, a compound traditional Chinese herbal medicine, for community  acquired pneumonia. Methods: Literatures about randomized controlled trials of Tanreqing Injection for community  acquired pneumonia were reviewed. Related literatures were selected and analyzed according to different treatment strategies of the trials. The methodological quality of the trials was assessed by the Jadad scale, and evaluation was performed. Conclusion: The effect of combined therapy with Tanreqing Injection plus antibiotics and basic therapy is better than that of antibiotics plus basic therapy. Tanreqing Injection can improve the symptoms of cough and expectoration, shorten the fever time and facilitate the absorption of chest X  ray shadow, without any significant adverse reactions. However, further high  quality trials are needed. Keywords: Tanreqing Injection;
community  acquired pneumonia;
randomized controlled trials;
systematic review;
meta  analysis 从中医角度来讲,CAP属于中医学风温肺热、咳嗽和喘证等范畴。患者常 因感受外邪而致痰湿化热,出现咳嗽、痰量增加、咯痰黄稠、发热、舌苔黄厚或腻、脉滑数等痰热阻肺的临床症状,痰热阻肺证为CAP的主要证候之一,治宜清 肺化痰、止咳平喘。自20世纪70年代开始在西医治疗基础上运用清热化痰中药治 疗CAP以来,越来越多的研究结果显示在西医治疗基础上运用清热化痰类方剂较 单纯西医治疗更有优势,清热化痰已成为中西医结合治疗CAP的主要方法之一。

目前痰热清方为治 [1]



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