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听力微技能培养策略在高中英语听说课中的有效渗透 《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》中对听力这种语 言技能的教学目标描述为:能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话并能 抓住要点,能识别语段中的重要信息并进行简单的推断,能 听懂正常语速听力材料中对人和物的描写、情节发展和结果, 能听懂熟悉话题的内容、识别不同语气所表达的不同态度。

其实这些都是听力微技能的体现。所谓“微技能”,实际上 就是人潜在的微妙的心理认知能力,它支配人的行动和思维, 包括语言学习。听力微观技能即听力理解方面的具体技能技 巧、听力理解微技能,主要包括辨音、获取主要信息、预测 能力、猜词语意的能力等。研究表明,注重听力微技能的培 养,运用各种教学手段,能够较好地提高听力理解的能力。

因此,在提高听力的过程中,应注重微技能的训练培养。本 文以我的一节听说课“Water saving”为例,谈谈如何设计 教学环节和任务,培养学生的听力微技能。

Step 1:
Lead- in 1. Appreciate a lot of pictures with colorful flowers, green grass and tall trees and ask students to think about the question:
What is the most important for the flowers, grass and trees?S:
Sunshine... soil... water... T:
They are all very important, but the most important is water, because water is the source of everything. 2. Ask the students to appreciate another picture and answer:
What can we see in this picture? S:
An eye... a drop of tear... smoke .... T:
What does the picture want to tell us? S:
Protect our environment... T:
Actually, it tells us that if we don’t protect our environment from now on, the last drop of water on the earth maybe is our tear. (设计意图:通过美丽的自然风光的图片来激发学生兴 趣,然后展示一张与之前图片迥然不同的图片,构成强烈反 差,带来强烈的视觉和心灵震撼,唤醒他们对保护环境,尤 其是节约水资源的重视。)Step 2:
Pre-listening Brainstorming:What can we do to save water in our daily life? S1:Turn off the tap at once after every use. S2:
Reuse the water. For example, use the water first to wash clothes, and then use it to water flowers. S3:
... (设计意图:激活已有知识,也为下一环节做铺垫。) Step3:
While-listening Task1:
Listen and answer the following two questions. Q1:
According to WRA, what is the reason for the waste of water?Q2:
What are the simple ways mentioned to save water in people’s daily life? Answer keys:
The low price of tap water. Q2:
To turn off the tap after every use;

To use a dishwasher instead of hand-washing;

To store cold water for later use when taking a shower. (设计意图:这是global listening,培养学生听取主 要信息的能力。让学生通过回答以上两个问题来获取main idea.因为听力材料是课外的,通过回答两个问题来获取 main idea,可以适当降低听力任务难度。) Task2:
Listen again and write down the missing words. The Water Resources Agency (WRA) of Taiwan has called on people to save water as a way to reduce pollution. The WRA pointed out that the low price of tap water in Taiwan, which has not increased in 1 years, has led people to waste the 2 resource. The lack of water has become a3 of global tension. WRA suggests a water price rise and the 4 proposed a water cap system—might not appeal to the public during such economically difficult time. Before such 5 is made, people can save water through many simple ways in addition to 6 turning off the tap after every use. According to a study by environmental "Friends of earth," if every family in the UK used a dishwasher instead of hand-washing, more than a 7 liters of water would be saved every day. Another 8 waste of water that can be 9 :
Tons of bathing water run down the drain unused every day as people wait for it to be 10 . Some people are already saving the cold water by storing it for later use. A more effective way to change the 11 is to improve the design of water heaters.Answer keys:
1. fourteen/14 2. valuable 3. source 4. economist 5. policy 6. mindfully 7. quarter billion 8. typical 9. prevented 10. heated 11. situation (设计意图:这一环节的设计为intensive listening, 主要培养学生听取细节和猜测词义的能力。所设置的空皆为 实词,因为实词传达了更为重要的信息。空1和7的设置是为 了提醒学生在听力时一定要注意听力材料中出现的数词。空 4、5、6三个所填入的词对高一学生来说是生词,设置的目 的是提醒学生在听力材料中即便听到了生词也不要惊慌,可 以在听的过程中快速记下单词发音,再根据所学的音标知识 写出相应的单词,猜测单词的含义。) Step4:
Discussion Discuss in groups of four to find out waste phenomena(现象) in our school and give advice on how to prevent them. (设计意图:这一环节是对以上听力材料的拓展,让学 生在听的基础上能发散思维,既充实了听力材料信息,也能对学生进行情感价值观教育的渗透。) Step5:
Listening practice Listen and fill in the blanks. Waste can be seen 1 . Some students ask for more food than they WWw.dYLW.nEt 5 resource, it is 6 . It is reported that we will have no 7 to use in 100 years. So if we 8 wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we go? 9 . I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting 10 . If we do our best, waste can be stopped one day and many natural resources can be saved. Answer keys:
1. everywhere at school 2. can eat 3. turn off 4. a lot of 5. rich in 6. short of others 7. coal or oil 8.go on 9. Think about it 10. as soon as possible(设计意图:这一材料其实是对以上所有听和说的一个 总结,材料本身难度不大。从所设置的空答案来看,所填入 的词都存在连读现象,这一任务的设置是培养学生在听力过 程中的辨音能力,听完之后根据录音进行模仿朗读,也是为 了有意识地培养学生的连读技能。) Step 6:
Conclusion & Assignment Task 1:
Write a letter about your discussion results to Principal Li. Task 2:
Read the second passage. (设计意图:激发学生校园生活主人翁的意识,同时使 课堂与实际生活直接相联系,让学生更有参与热情。) 这节课的话题源于课本,但所用材料并不拘泥于课本, 而是选自网络资源,并根据高一学生实际水平对材料进行删 减和处理,使之为课程目标服务。英语教师作为学生走向世 界的领路人,更应该有开阔的眼界,不能“唯课本论”,而 应善于利用一切优秀资源为教学所服务。这节课各个任务的 设置环环相扣,围绕着一个话题“说透”,而不是“蜻蜓点水”。“节水”这一话题于学生来说并不新奇,但是选用材 料中所提供的信息又给学生打开了另一个思路。在任务设置 上将听力微技能中培养学生辨音、获取主要信息、预测能力、 猜词语意等渗透在各个听力练习中,做到对学生听力微技能 的培养“润物细无声”。

当然,任何一门语言技能的培养都不可能一蹴而就,需 要长期的坚持才能初见成效,这就需要我们老师做好长期作 战的准备,在平时的教学中进行有效的渗透和坚持,终有一 天我们会听到花开的声音。



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