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My thoughts on the guided English learning plan

My thoughts on the guided English learning plan 雷东旗 云南省红河州开远市第四中学 云南 开远 661600 【Abstract】Currently, the English teaching in the ordinary senior high schools and the junior schools is taught in low efficiency because of the passive English teaching and learning method . The traditional teaching method is teacher-centered and it focuses on the English teacher´
teaching processes not the students-centered learning processes . For most of the students in these schools like us , they think English learning is boring and too hard for them . The students always get extremely low marks in the English exams , then lose heart in their English learning and quite a few are determined to give up English . To help our students overcome the English learning barrier and change the teacher-centered teaching into the students-centered learning , our school decided to reform our traditional teaching method and learn from the students-centered successful teaching method—— the guided English learning plan from Du Lang Kou Junior School in Shandong province in 2010 . We attach importance to the guided English learning plan andmotivate our students´
learning potential . Our school has put it into practice for four years and got a very good teaching effect . 【Key words】the guided English teaching plan the students-centered learning self-taught and cooperative learning 1.The guided English teaching plan has its own characteristics and is different from the traditional teaching plan . The teaching plan is a plan that is employed by a teacher and it presents the whole teacher-centered teaching processes while the guided learning plan shows the students-centered learning activities—— interactions (discussions and communications) between the teacher and the students , among the students as well as the problem-solving processes all done by the students themselves . The teacher gives guidance when the students can´t solve the problem by themselves . The guided learning plan is designed for the students´
self-taught and cooperative learning , put more emphasis on the students´
English knowledge acquisition through the learning activities . The students instructed by the guidedlearning plan are active in their self-taught and cooperative learning . Their learning potentials can be observed during the pair learning or the group learning activities . With the help of the guided English learning plan , our students have turned the passive learning roles into the active learning roles . They find the difficult problems , solve the problems by their cooperation and can demonstrate their advantages , intelligences when experiencing the learning pleasure through the whole learning processes . 2. Inspiring the students´
interests to learn English. Interest is a tendency to make someone want to learn about what is going on in the world and it can also make him or her have a strong desire to learn the useful knowledge to understand the surroundings around them . Once a student has got such a psychological tendency , he or she will actively and persistently seek for the knowledge , therefore his or her learning is very effective . The interest in learning something is the practice of the inner learning motivation and it willinspire the student´s active emotion to keep his good mood , strengthen his courage to overcome the learning barrier , cultivate his strong will and confidence . So , everybody can notice that the students´
interests are a very important part of the English teaching in class , especially in the lead-in stage . By using the English resources from the Internet , we can add many English contents to the lead-in stage to motivate the students´
interests in learning English . 3.The designing purposes for the guided learning plan in the English teaching . The designing aims for the guided learning plan should combine the learners-centered learning with the guidance of the teacher . The combination of the students´
learning and the teacher´s guidance can give us one of the unexpected best performances in the English teaching class and improve the students´
language ability effectively . Following is my further thoughts on how to put the guided learning plan into practice in the English teaching class :
3.1 Grasp the aims and the main language points bypreviewing the lesson. The teachers must design and hand out the guided learning plan for the learning contents to the students before every class . The designing steps in the guided learning plan should contain the previewing key points —— the self-taught new words , new phrases , new drills and new grammars etc ;
the presentation stage —— the explanations and applications for the new words , new phrases , new drills and grammar points ;
the feed-back exercises . With the development of the technology and advances in society , more and more new words has come out of the media . and the Internet-aided English teaching and learning resources are more and more popular . Reading comprehension is one of the four skills in learning English and it is the most basic and most important skill as well as a major part of the English teaching in the senior school . The students not only can get a lot of information and knowledge from the passage reading , but also raise their cognitive level , strengthen their analytical ability and problem-solving ability . What´s more , it can help lay a foundation for the students to put the English into practice . So , adding the passage readingto the English class is necessary as we have to cultivate the students´
English language awareness . . According to the new curriculum criterion , it is a requirement that we teachers must increase the students´
vocabulary , extend their reading material , further improve their reading comprehension and develop their abilities to collect and process the information through all the available learning resources including the Internet. It is also obvious that we have to research and develop how to make the most use of the other English learning resources except the text books because the new curriculum criterion tells us to do so . So it is necessary for the students to get the good habit of reading different English passages and this will motivate them to have the interest to understand the society and the world better . There are all kinds of the English learning resources on the Internet to satisfy the various self-taught needs of the students and to stimulate their interests to understand what´s going on around the world . The reading passages can be a bridge between the classroom and the outside world and be a necessary aid for the class teaching , helping them to enlarge theirknowledge visions . Our teachers have to put forward the exact requirements and lead the students to finding the solutions to the questions when previewing the lesson . 3.2 The self-taught exploration and group discussion for the problems. The students have been divided into seven or eight small groups to discuss , explore and solve the questions by themselves according to the previewing goals . For the problems unsolved , the group head will get the whole group students together to discuss and solve the problem by the group-cooperation , if not , the teacher will provide the help . 3.3 Showing how to solve the problems when (teacher is) needed and sum up the key points. The teacher will show the students how to solve the problems which they can´t by themselves based on the students´
discussions and communications . Then , the students will sum up the key points , difficult points , puzzling points and the easily-made mistakes in their notebooks by marking these points in different color pens . 3.4 Group representatives´
presentations.It is better for the teacher to ask the students to think of further if they can find another way after the group representative has presented their solutions on the blackboard and encourage the representative´s work by clapping . 3.5 peers´
comments , communications and improvements. The teacher should show how to solve the problems and give comments on the typical problems if the students can not solve them . Next , the teacher encourages the students by leading them to the deep exploration , the results and rules summed up from the learning unit , gradually mastering the key points to promote their learning skills and changing their low surface awareness into the deep logical understanding . 4.The guided learning plan attach the importance to the learners-centered learning with the aid of the teacher . In my opinion , we have to write the guided learning plan according to the learning capabilities and the needs of the students so as to meet the real educating environment . If the learning plan level goes beyond the students´
understanding capability , it willbe a failure . 4.1 The guided learning plan should be focused on learning. The learning activities in the guided learning plan makes up eighty percent or so (35 minutes out of 45) and the activities consists of a series of effective problem-solving tasks . Our students are busy doing the learning tasks and presenting their solutions , so they will find the lesson interesting and meaningful . The learning abilities should be taken into consideration when designing the learning plan , such as their knowledge structure and knowledge level as well as the learning barriers in the plan . The group members is made up of at least one top student , two mid-level students and two low-level students so that they can help each other in the cooperative learning stage. 4.2 Aid should be paid to the guided learning plan. We must always remind ourselves of the rule—— a teacher is a learning assistant for the students and the learning tasks should be finished by the students themselves with the help of the teacher . There is a great difference between the traditional teacher-centered learning and the learners´centered learning . We have to pay special attention to our roles in the new teaching and learning mode , adjust ourselves to meeting the needs of the students , not intervene the learning activities , trust them and expect their outstanding presentations in the class . During the class , it is up to the students to do the self-taught learning activity , group learning and group cooperation learning activities . Once they get the chance and the enough learning time , you will be surprised to their performances and learning potentials . 4.3 The new teaching and learning mode calls for the teachers´
higher teaching qualities. The new teaching and learning mode puts emphases on the learning effects of the students in class . After class , we teachers need to collect more teaching information , teaching resources and related learning information by surfing the Internet apart from our course books and teaching aided material . It will take more time to prepare for the guided English learning plan before each class and certainly the plan should be written in detail to meet the different levels of the students so as to provide the enough resources forthem to solve the problems during the learning activities in class. Bibliographies: [1]How to teach English written by Jeremy Harmer 2008年 外语教学与研究出版社. [2] 刘卫修著.学生引领我前行,2012年 天津出版传 媒集团. [3] 李志刚主编.我们的课改,2013年 南京大学出版 社.



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